本隐私政策列明深圳市易连物联网有限公司 ( 简称「易连物联网」、「我们」或「本公司」) 在您使用本公司产品和服务以及本公司移动装置提供的应用程序套件时,对收集、使用、披露、处理和保护您向我们提供任何资料的方式的规定。请按此浏览上述应用程序行表。若在您使用易连物联网产品及服务时,我们要求您提供可识别您身份的某些数据,我们将仅按照本隐私政策及 /或本公司为用户提供的条款及条件使用相关数据。
隐私政策旨在保护您的利益,您对本公司收集及使用个人资料的做法能全面了解,并相信您始终掌握提供予 易连物联网的个人资料决定权,至关重要。
使用 易连物联网的产品及服务,即视为您已阅读、理解并接受本隐私政策中列明的所有条款,包括我们可能不时作出的任何变更。我们致力于遵守适用的法律,包括您当地的数据保护法律以保障您的个人资料私隐、保密性及安全性。我们亦致力于确保所有员工及代理履行这些义务。
最后,我们希望为所有客户竭力做到最好。若您对本隐私政策中概括的数据处理措施有任何疑虑,请发送邮件至 app@elinkthings.com 联络我们的数据保护专员,以解决您的具体问题。我们十分乐意直接处理问题。
我们会收集以下类型的数据 (可能是或不是个人资料 ):
个人身体资料:启动 好身材 后,我们需要您提供生日、身高、体重、性别数据。
设备记录数据:当您使用 好身材 同步装置数据时,我们会记录个人资料,包括但不限于活动信息、睡眠、心率、体重、身体组成 (体脂百分比、肌肉重量、水分、基础代谢、内脏脂肪水平、骨质含量等)。
手机信息:当您使用 好身材 时,我们需要取得您的手机操作系统版本及移动手机品牌型号,还需要获取应用列表用于判断是否已安装来确保分享功能可以正常使用。
网络使用数据:我们可能会收集与 好身材 特定功能相关的网络类型、网络讯号等。
手机摄像头:当您使用 好身材 时,更换头像需要使用手机摄像头拍照。
日志信息:当您浏览 好身材 服务器时,我们的服务器将自动记录若干记录数据,包括但不限于: IP地址、浏览器类型、浏览器语言、参考源页面、操作系统、时间戳和点击流数据。
设备信息: 包括设备型号、操作系统版本、唯一设备标识码、(EMEI号、AndroidID、IDFA、GUID、OPENUDID、 SIM卡IMSI信息)、硬件序列号、Mac地址、移动应用列表及设备所在位置相关的GPS位置以及WLAN接入 点、蓝牙和基站信息。将被传送至服务器。上述数据收集亦可能适用于您的更新系统或软件、恢复原厂设定等。
WiFi设备(AILink):WiFi设备(体脂秤、血压计等)可以通过WLAN直接连接服务器,通过设备测量 的健康数据(如体重、体脂、心率、肌肉率等数据)和设备标识上传易连物联网服务器,并在APP中查看,您 可以通过解绑设备来终止该数据上传,如果无法识别测量数据属于哪个用户时,WiFi设备会将数据同时发传到 同设备的多个账户,由用户来确认是否为本人数据,如果您不愿意共享设备,请避免设备被多人使用并绑定,这 不影响您对其他功能的使用。
调试信息:当您选择上载调试信息 协助我们分析问题时,您的调试信息将被传送至服务器。
第三方账号信息:我们可能会根据您的授权从第三方(facebook、微信等)处获取您第三方账户公开信息(头 像、昵称及其它页面提示的信息),并与您的 好身材 账号进行绑定,使您可以通过第三方账户直接登录、使用我 们的产品/服务。我们将在您授权同意的范围内使用您的相关信息。
收集个人资料旨在向您提供服务及/或产品,我们亦受适用的法律规定要符合法规。您谨此同意本公司出于本隐私政策列明之目的向附属公司 (通讯、社交媒体、科技及云端业务)、第三方服务供货商 (定义见下文) 处理及披露个人资料。
此处提供更多关于我们如何使用您的数据 (可能包括个人资料 ) 的详情。
设立账户。在我们的网站或通过我们的 移动装置建立帐户时,收集到的个人资料会用于建立个人帐户以及用户数据页面。
确定手机是否受支持。 手机信息将用于判断您的手机能否使用 好身材 。
提供设备管理。 此类数据提供对绑定的设备进行管理。
经过授权的数据关联。经过您的授权,我们将向HeathKit、GoogleFit、Fitbit接收并向其发送您的饮食、 体重、体脂、睡眠、血压、血脂等数据,测量完成后习数据将与HeathKit、GoogleFit、Fitbit同步。任何通 过使用HeathKit、GoogleFit、Fitbit而获得的信息,将不会分享或销售给任何第三方,包括广告商及其他代理 商。我们将不会使用HeathKit、GoogleFit、Fitbit的信息用于市场、广告、数据挖掘或其他类似服务中。
无障碍服务:申请此权限意在快速的帮助用户设置后台保护、悬浮权限,该权限主要为辅助功能、易用性 服务,APP设置完成后将自动关闭该服务,如果你不想要使用该服务你也可以主动关闭,未成年请在父母或监 护人授权下使用。
当你使用第三方提供的服务时,我们会获得或确保第三方获得你的授权同意后,以及其他符合法律法规规定的 情况下共享对应信息。第三方收集数据的方式包括不仅限于好身材APP、腾讯buglySDK等,具体如下:
共享的信息:读写手机外置存储信息,唯一设备标识码、(IMEI、OAID、IMSI、Android_ID、SIM卡IMSI信息)、 应用当前正在运行的进程名和PID
共享的信息:系统运行信息、网络状态信息、iOS广告标识符(IDFA)、唯一设备标识码、(IMEI、OAID、IMSI、 Android_ID、SIM卡IMSI信息)、应用列表信息、基站信息、社交平台OpenID、地理位置
我们可能会就 易连物联网公司和业务合作伙伴 (提供网络、 移动应用程序以及云端产品及服务) 的产品及服务,使用您的姓名、电话号码、电邮地址、以及您提供市场推广材料。
为了向您提供您要求的产品或服务,我们可能向第三方披露您的个人资料 (如下所述 )。
本节列出可能向其披露之第三方服务供货商及附属公司。在本节所述之所有情况下,我们向您保证 易连物联网仅会在您同意的情况下共享您的个人资料。请了解当 易连物联网在本节描述的任何情况下与第三方服务供货商共享您的个人资料时, 易连物联网将通过 合约规定第三方遵守适用之当地数据保护法律的措施及义务。 易连物联网将以合约确保任何第三方服务供货商遵守您所在的司法管辖区适用之私隐标准。
为使业务能顺利运作,从而为您提供本公司产品及服务的全部功能,我们可能不时向其他 易连物联网附属公司 ( 通讯、社交媒体、科技或云端业务),或向我们的邮件服务商、送货服务供货商、电讯公司、数据中心、数据存放设施、客户服务供货商,广告及市场推广服务供货商以及 易连物联网代表的第三方服务供货商披露您的个人资料。此类第三方服务供货商将代表 易连物联网或因上述一个或多个目的处理您的个人资料。当在我们的装置上使用某些 移动应用程序时,我们或会与第三方共享您的 IP 地址,以便为您提供所要求的部分服务。若您不希望我们共享这些数据,请 通过 app@elinkthings.com 联络我们。
当适用法律要求时, 易连物联网可能在未经您进一步同意的情况下披露您的个人资料。
为免生疑虑, 易连物联网可能在未经同意的情况下,于当地数据保护法律明确规定的范围内并仅在此范围内收集、使用或披露您的个人资料。此类披露可能由于必须保护我们的权利、确保您及他人的安全及遵守当地政府的要求,以协助调查非法活动而起。
我们致力确保您的个人资料安全。为防止未经授权的存取、披露或其他类似风险,我们制定了合理的实体方式、电子及管理程序以保障及保护我们从您的移动装置及 易连物联网网站所收集的信息。我们将尽一切合理努力保障您的个人资料安全。
我们的应用程序或需要使用您装置的部分功能,如将电邮加至联络人信息、短讯存储及Wi-Fi 网络状态以及其他功能。该等数据将用于允许应用程序在您的装置上执行,并允许您与应用程序互动。您随时均可 通过在装置层面关闭该等权限,或通过 app@elinkthings.com 联络我们,以取消您的权限。
易连物联网了解私隐疑虑因人而异。因此, 易连物联网为您提供选择以限制收集、使用、披露或处理您的个人资料及控制您私隐设定的方法。
若您之前出于上述目的同意我们使用您的个人资料,您可随时通过邮寄或寄送电邮至 app@elinkthings.com,要求改变您的选择。
您有权要求存取及 /或修正我们持有之关于您的任何其他个人资料。当您更新个人资料时,我们将需要验证您的身份方可继续处理您的要求。我们获得足够的数据以处理您存取或修正个人资料的要求后,将在您适用之数据保护法律规定的任何时限内处理并响应您的要求。
若您要求存取我们所持有属于您的个人资料,或您认为我们持有您的任何数据不正确或不完整,或您认为我们持有您的任何数据不适当或过多,请尽快邮寄或 通过下方的电邮地址联络我们。电邮: app@elinkthings.com。
存取您的 易连物联网账户管理中心完成撤销操作。我们将从您提出要求起的合理时间内处理,此后根据您的要求不再收集、使用及 /或披露您的个人资料。
请知悉,撤销同意可能会导致法律后果。我们会根据您的撤销同意程度处理您的个人资料,这可能代表您将无法使用 易连物联网的产品及服务。
您可以通过以下路径注销账号:【我的】-【账户与安全】-【停用账号】,账号提交“停用”申请有一个星期的犹豫期,犹豫期内再次登录则默认取消“停用”申请,账号停用申请成功, 我们将永久删除你账户中的所有信息,包括但不仅限于:设备信息、消息日志、账号信息、测量数据、反馈信息,停用后不可恢复。
我们可能需要在您所在司法管辖区之外将个人资料转移至我们的附属公司 ( 通讯、社交媒体、科技及云端业务) 或第三方服务供货商。对于此类转移,我们将按照适用法律进行。具体而言,我们将采取适当的保障措施,并确保所有转移均按照您适用的当地数据保护法律之要求。
我们认为监督未成年人使用我们的产品和服务是父母及监护人的责任。如果您的孩子是未成年人,在您的 孩子使用我们的产品和服务前,您作为父母监护人必须明确同意好身材按照本隐私政策规定收集孩子的个人信 息。
易连物联网并不意图亦不打算接收来自未成年人的任何个人资料。若父母或监护人有理由相信,未成年人未经其事先同意而向 易连物联网提供个人资料,请联络我们,以确保该等个人资料被删除,以及该未成年人取消订阅任何适用的 易连物联网服务。
我们会定期审核隐私政策,并可能更新本隐私政策,以反映我们信息处理措施的变更。若我们对隐私政策作出重大更改,我们将通过电邮 (发送至您账户中指定的电邮地址) 通知您,或在所有 易连物联网网站或通过我们的移动 装置发布该等更改,以便您了解我们收集的数据以及使用方式。我们隐私政策变更应自通知或网站通告的日期生效。我们鼓励您定期检视此页面,以了解私隐措施的最新信息。您在网站、手提电话及/或任何其他装置上继续使用产品及服务,即被视为接受更新的隐私政策。在收集您更多个人资料之前,或我们希望就新的使用目的或披露您的个人资料时,我们将重新征求您的同意。
我们的隐私政策不适用于第三方提供的产品及服务。 易连物联网产品及服务可能包括第三方产品、服务及第三方网站的连结。当您使用此类产品或服务时,第三方亦可能会收集您的资料。为此,我们强烈建议您花时间阅读该第三方的隐私政策,如同对本公司隐私政策的关注一样。我们不负责及无法控制第三方如何使用其向您收集的个人资料。我们的隐私政策不适用于从我们服务连结的其他网站。
我们的网站包含社交媒体功能,如 Facebook Like 按钮及 Widget,如分享本内容的按钮或我们网站上执行的交互式迷你程序。该等功能可能收集您的 IP 地址,您在我们网站浏览的页面,并可能设定一个 Cookie 以便该功能正常操作。社交媒体功能及 Widget 乃由第三方托管或直接在我们网站托管。您与这些功能的互动受提供相关功能的公司隐私政策所约束。
若您对本隐私政策有任何意见或问题,或对 易连物联网收集、使用或披露您的个人资料有任何相关问题,请通过以下邮件联系我们的数据保护专员,并请注明「隐私政策」:
Email: app@elinkthings.com
本隱私政策列明 深圳市易連物聯網有限公司 ( 簡稱「 易連物聯網」、「我們」或「本公司」) 在您使用本公司產品和服務以及本公司移動裝置提供的應用程式套件時,對收集、使用、披露、處理和保護您向我們提供任何資料的方式的規定。請按此流覽上述應用程式行表。若在您使用 易連物聯網產品及服務時,我們要求您提供可識別您身份的某些數據,我們將僅按照本隱私政策及 /或本公司為用戶提供的條款及條件使用相關數據。
隱私政策旨在保護您的利益,您對本公司收集及使用個人資料的做法能全面瞭解,並相信您始終掌握提供予 易連物聯網的個人資料決定權,至關重要。
使用 易連物聯網的產品及服務,即視為您已閱讀、理解並接受本隱私政策中列明的所有條款,包括我們可能不時作出的任何變更。我們致力於遵守適用的法律,包括您當地的數據保護法律以保障您的個人資料私隱、保密性及安全性。我們亦致力於確保所有員工及代理履行這些義務。
最後,我們希望為所有客戶竭力做到最好。若您對本隱私政策中概括的數據處理措施有任何疑慮,請發送郵件至 app@elinkthings.com 聯絡我們的數據保護專員,以解決您的具體問題。我們十分樂意直接處理問題。
收集數據方式包括不僅限於好身材APP、集成第三方SDK(廣州掌淘SDK、騰訊buglySDK、360奇虎SDK 等)。
我們可能會收集以下類型的數據 (可能是或不是個人資料 ):
個人身體資料:啟動 好身材後,我們需要您提供生日、身高、體重、性別數據。
裝置記錄數據:當您使用 好身材同步裝置數據時,我們會記錄個人資料,包括但不限於活動資訊、睡眠、心率、體重、身體組成 (體脂百分比、肌肉重量、水分、基礎代謝、內臟脂肪水準、骨質含量等)。
手機資訊:當您使用 好身材時,我們需要取得您的手機 操作系統版本及移動手機品牌型號。
網路使用數據:我們可能會收集與 好身材特定功能相關的網路類型、網路訊號等。
日誌資訊:當您流覽 好身材伺服器時,我們的伺服器將自動記錄若干記錄數據,包括但不限於: IP地址、流覽器類型、流覽器語言、參考源頁面、操作系統、時間戳和點擊流數據。
設備資訊:當您使用 好身材連接某個硬體裝置時,包括但不限於該裝置的唯一識別字、固體版本及大概地理位置的數據 (非個人資料) 將被傳送至伺服器。上述數據收集亦可能適用於您的更新系統或軟體、恢復原廠設定等。
調試資訊:當您選擇上載調試資訊 協助我們分析問題時,您的調試資訊將被傳送至伺服器。
收集個人資料旨在向您提供服務及/或產品,我們亦受適用的法律規定要符合法規。您謹此同意本公司出於本隱私政策列明之目的向附屬公司 (通訊、社交媒體、科技及雲端業務)、第三方服務供貨商 (定義見下文) 處理及披露個人資料。
此處提供更多關於我們如何使用您的數據 (可能包括個人資料 ) 的詳情。
設立帳戶。在我們的網站或通過我們的 移動裝置建立帳戶時,收集到的個人資料會用於建立個人帳戶以及用戶數據頁面。
提供 好身材服務。裝置數據將向用戶顯示與之相關的數據。
確定手機是否受支持。 手機資訊將用於判斷您的手機能否使用 好身材。
提供設備管理。 此類數據提供對綁定的設備進行管理。
我們可能會就 易連物聯網公司和業務合作夥伴 (提供網路、 移動應用程式以及雲端產品及服務) 的產品及服務,使用您的姓名、電話號碼、電郵地址、以及您提供市場推廣材料。為提供更出色的體驗,我們可能會根據您的購物記錄、網站流覽記錄、生日、年齡、性別和位置,推薦上述產品、服務和活動。根據當地數據保護法,只有得到您的同意或您不表示反對 ( 可能需要獨立予以同意) 時,我們方能使用您的個人資料。您有權拒絕我們使用您的個人資料進行直接市場推廣。若您不希望再收到某些類型的電郵通訊,則可通過 每份通訊底部附上的取消訂閱連結退出。我們不會將您的個人資料交予我們的業務合作夥伴,讓其用於直接市場推廣。
為了向您提供您要求的產品或服務,我們可能向第三方披露您的個人資料 (如下所述 )。
本節列出可能向其披露之第三方服務供貨商及附屬公司。在本節所述之所有情況下,我們向您保證 易連物聯網僅會在您同意的情況下共用您的個人資料。請瞭解當 易連物聯網在本節描述的任何情況下與第三方服務供貨商共用您的個人資料時, 易連物聯網將通過 合約規定第三方遵守適用之當地數據保護法律的措施及義務。 易連物聯網將以合約確保任何第三方服務供貨商遵守您所在的司法管轄區適用之私隱標準。
為使業務能順利運作,從而為您提供本公司產品及服務的全部功能,我們可能不時向其他 易連物聯網附屬公司 ( 通訊、社交媒體、科技或雲端業務),或向我們的郵件服務商、送貨服務供貨商、電訊公司、數據中心、數據存放設施、客戶服務供貨商,廣告及市場推廣服務供貨商以及 易連物聯網代表的第三方服務供貨商披露您的個人資料。此類第三方服務供貨商將代表 易連物聯網或因上述一個或多個目的處理您的個人資料。當在我們的裝置上使用某些 移動應用程式時,我們或會與第三方共用您的 IP 地址,以便為您提供所要求的部分服務。若您不希望我們共用這些數據,請 通過 app@elinkthings.com 聯絡我們。
當適用法律要求時, 易連物聯網可能在未經您進一步同意的情況下披露您的個人資料。
為免生疑慮, 易連物聯網可能在未經同意的情況下,於當地數據保護法律明確規定的範圍內並僅在此範圍內收集、使用或披露您的個人資料。此類披露可能由於必須保護我們的權利、確保您及他人的安全及遵守當地政府的要求,以協助調查非法活動而起。
我們致力確保您的個人資料安全。為防止未經授權的存取、披露或其他類似風險,我們制定了合理的實體方式、電子及管理程式以保障及保護我們從您的移動裝置及 易連物聯網網站所收集的資訊。我們將盡一切合理努力保障您的個人資料安全。
我們的應用程式或需要使用您裝置的部分功能,如將電郵加至聯絡人資訊、短訊存儲及Wi-Fi 網路狀態以及其他功能。該等數據將用於允許應用程式在您的裝置上執行,並允許您與應用程式互動。您隨時均可 通過在裝置層面關閉該等許可權,或通過 app@elinkthings.com 聯絡我們,以取消您的許可權。
易連物聯網瞭解私隱疑慮因人而異。因此, 易連物聯網為您提供選擇以限制收集、使用、披露或處理您的個人資料及控制您私隱設定的方法,並提供示例:
若您之前出於上述目的同意我們使用您的個人資料,您可隨時通過郵寄或寄送電郵至 app@elinkthings.com,要求改變您的選擇。
您有權要求存取及 /或修正我們持有之關於您的任何其他個人資料。當您更新個人資料時,我們將需要驗證您的身份方可繼續處理您的要求。我們獲得足夠的數據以處理您存取或修正個人資料的要求後,將在您適用之數據保護法律規定的任何時限內處理並回應您的要求。
若您要求存取我們所持有屬於您的個人資料,或您認為我們持有您的任何數據不正確或不完整,或您認為我們持有您的任何數據不適當或過多,請儘快郵寄或 通過下方的電郵地址聯絡我們。電郵:app@elinkthings.com。
存取您的 易連物聯網帳戶管理中心完成撤銷操作。我們將從您提出要求起的合理時間內處理,此後根據您的要求不再收集、使用及 /或披露您的個人資料。
請知悉,撤銷同意可能會導致法律後果。我們會根據您的撤銷同意程度處理您的個人資料,這可能代表您將無法使用 易連物聯網的產品及服務。
我們可能需要在您所在司法管轄區之外將個人資料轉移至我們的附屬公司 ( 通訊、社交媒體、科技及雲端業務) 或第三方服務供貨商。對於此類轉移,我們將按照適用法律進行。具體而言,我們將採取適當的保障措施,並確保所有轉移均按照您適用的當地數據保護法律之要求。
易連物聯網並不意圖亦不打算接收來自未成年人的任何個人資料。若父母或監護人有理由相信,未成年人未經其事先同意而向 易連物聯網提供個人資料,請聯絡我們,以確保該等個人資料被刪除,以及該未成年人取消訂閱任何適用的 易連物聯網服務。
我們會定期審核隱私政策,並可能更新本隱私政策,以反映我們資訊處理措施的變更。若我們對隱私政策作出重大更改,我們將通過電郵 (發送至您帳戶中指定的電郵地址) 通知您,或在所有 易連物聯網網站或通過我們的移動 裝置發佈該等更改,以便您瞭解我們收集的數據以及使用方式。我們隱私政策變更應自通知或網站通告的日期生效。我們鼓勵您定期檢視此頁面,以瞭解私隱措施的最新資訊。您在網站、手提電話及/或任何其他裝置上繼續使用產品及服務,即被視為接受更新的隱私政策。在收集您更多個人資料之前,或我們希望就新的使用目的或披露您的個人資料時,我們將重新徵求您的同意。
我們的隱私政策不適用於第三方提供的產品及服務。 易連物聯網產品及服務可能包括第三方產品、服務及第三方網站的連結。當您使用此類產品或服務時,第三方亦可能會收集您的資料。為此,我們強烈建議您花時間閱讀該第三方的隱私政策,如同對本公司隱私政策的關注一樣。我們不負責及無法控制第三方如何使用其向您收集的個人資料。我們的隱私政策不適用於從我們服務連結的其他網站。
我們的網站包含社交媒體功能,如 Facebook Like 按鈕及 Widget,如分享本內容的按鈕或我們網站上執行的互動式迷你程式。該等功能可能收集您的 IP 地址,您在我們網站流覽的頁面,並可能設定一個 Cookie 以便該功能正常操作。社交媒體功能及 Widget 乃由第三方託管或直接在我們網站託管。您與這些功能的互動受提供相關功能的公司隱私政策所約束。
若您對本隱私政策有任何意見或問題,或對 易連物聯網收集、使用或披露您的個人資料有任何相關問題,請通過以下郵件聯繫我們的數據保護專員,並請注明「隱私政策」:
Email: app@elinkthings.com
This Privacy Policy sets out how Shenzhen ElinkThings Co., Ltd ("ElinkThings", "we", "our" or "us") collect, use, disclose, process and protect any information that you give us when you use our products and services located at http:// www.ElinkThings-usa.com and our Suite of applications that we offer. Should we ask you to provide certain information by which you can be identified when using ElinkThings products and services, it will only be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and/or our terms and conditions for users.
The Privacy Policy is designed with you in mind, and it is important that you have a comprehensive understanding of our personal information collection and usage practices, as well as full confidence that ultimately, you have control of any personal information provided to ElinkThings.
In this Privacy Policy, "personal information" means information that can be used to identify an individual, either from that information alone or from that information combined with other information about that individual. Such personal information may include your name, address, telephone number and email address.
By using ElinkThings products and services, you are deemed to have read, acknowledged and accepted all the provisions stated here in the Privacy Policy, including any changes we may make from time to time. We are committed to protecting the privacy, confidentiality and security of your personal information by complying with applicable laws, including your local data protection legislation. We are equally committed to ensuring that all our employees and agents uphold these obligations.
Ultimately, what we want is the best for all our users. Should you have any concerns with our data handling practice as summarised in this Privacy Policy, please contact our Data Protection Officer at app@elinkthings.com to address your specific concerns. We will be happy to address them directly.
In order to provide our services to you, we will ask you to provide personal information that is necessary to provide those services to you. If you do not provide your personal information, we may not be able to provide you with our products or services.
We may collect the following types of information (which may or may not be personal information):
Information about you: We may collect and use features such as email, avatars, personalized signatures, nicknames, gender, time zones, languages, and regions.
Personal Body Information: When you activate Aifit, we need you to provide birthdays, height, weight, gender.
Device Record information: When you use Aifit to synchronize device data, personal data is recorded, including but not limited to: activity information, sleep, heart rate, weight, body composition(Body fat percentage, muscle mass, moisture content, basal metabolism, visceral fat level, bone mass content etc.).
Phone Info: When you use the Aifit, we need to get your phone operating system and version of the mobile phone brand model only to determine whether Aifit is supported, and we will not keep this type of information .
Network Usage Information: We may collect network types, network signals, etc. related to certain features of the Aifit only when provide corresponding service for you, and we will not keep this type of information.
Location information: When you use location-based program services or features, we may collect your location information.
Device Information: When you use Aifit to connect a hardware device, including but not limited to, the device's unique identifier, firmware version, and approximate geographic location information (non-personal information) will be sent to the server. The collection of the above information may also apply to your update system or software, restore factory settings and so on.
Debug log information: We will not collect your debug log information unless when you choose to upload debug logs to help us analyze the problem, your application debug log file will be sent to the server.
We may also collect other types of information which are not linked to an individual and which is anonymous. For example, using behaviours and information about the problem may be collected when you agree to enter into User Experience Program . Such information is collected in order to improve the services we provide to you,and we will only keep it for one year .
Personal information is collected for providing services and / or products to you, and legal compliance on our part under applicable laws. You hereby consent that we may process and disclose personal information to our affiliated companies (which are in the communications, social media, technology and cloud businesses), Third Party Service Providers (defined below) for the purposes stated in this Privacy Policy.
We may use your personal information for the following purposes:
Here are more details on how we use your information (which may include personal information)
Setting up your Account. Personal information collected when creating a Account on our web sites or through our mobile devices is used for creating the personal Account and profile page for the user.
Calculate exercise results. Personal body information are used to accurately calculate the exercise result information.
Providing Aifit services. Information relating to device information will show the user the information associated with it.
Providing management devices. This information provides the ability to manage the bundled devices.
Improve software stability. Collect crash logs for analyzing software quality to provide better service.
We may use your name, phone number, and email address, to provide marketing materials to you relating to goods and services of ElinkThings companies and our business partners which offer network, mobile applications and cloud products and services. To provide better user experience, we may recommend above-mentioned products, services and activities based on information about your purchase history, website browsing history, birthday, age, gender, and location. We will only so use your personal data after we have obtained your consent or indication of no objection in accordance with local data protection laws, which may require separate explicit consent. You have the right to opt out of our proposed use of your personal data for direct marketing. If you no longer wish to receive certain types of email communications you may opt-out by following the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each communication. We will not transfer your personal data to our business partners for use by our business partners in direct marketing.
We do not sell any personal information to third parties.
We may disclose your personal information on occasion to third parties (as described below) in order to provide the products or services that you have requested.
Disclosure may be made to Third Party Service Providers and affiliated companies listed in this section below. In each case described in this section, you can be assured that ElinkThings will only share your personal information in accordance with your consent. You should know that when ElinkThings shares your personal information with a Third Party Service Provider under any circumstance described in this section, ElinkThings will contractually specify that the third party is subject to practices and obligations to comply with applicable local data protection laws. ElinkThings will contractually ensure compliance by any Third Party Service Providers with the privacy standards that apply to them in your home jurisdiction.
Third-party integration SDKs are provided by external third-party subjects. Integration third-party SDKs include and are not limited to: Mob.com SDK, Tencent bugly SDK, 360 Qihoo SDK.
Aifit APP does not have access to the information generated by your use of such third-party services. However, if you have explicitly consented to that third party obtaining your information, that third party will have access to it via the Aifit APP interface to obtain your information, personal data, network usage data, etc. If you refuse to provide this information it will only prevent you from using the above mentioned third party services, but will not affect your normal use of the Aifit App's functionality. All access to third-party services, Aifit App promises to strictly follow the third-party product agreement and privacy policy.
In order to conduct business operations smoothly in providing you with the full capabilities of our products and services, we may disclose your personal information from time to time to other ElinkThings affiliated companies (in communications, social media, technology or cloud businesses), or our third party service providers which are our mailing houses, delivery service providers, telecommunications companies, data centres, data storage facilities, customer service providers, advertising and marketing service providers, and ElinkThings’s representatives. Such Third Party Service Providers would be processing your personal information on ElinkThings’s behalf or for one or more of the purposes listed above.If you no longer wish to allow us to share this information, please contact us at app@elinkthings.com.
ElinkThings may disclose your personal information without further consent when required under applicable law.
We may share anonymised information and statistics in aggregate form with third parties for business purposes, for example with advertisers on our website, we may share them trends about the general use of our services, such as the number of customers in certain demographic groups who purchased certain products or who carried out certain transactions.
For the avoidance of doubt, ElinkThings may collect, use or disclose your personal information without your consent if it is and only to the extent it is allowed explicitly under local data protection laws. Such disclosure may be brought about by the necessity to protect our rights, ensure the safety of you and other people, and comply with the requirements of the local government to facilitate the investigations of illegal activities.
We are committed to ensuring that your personal information is secure. In order to prevent unauthorised access, disclosure or other similar risks, we have put in place reasonable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect from your using of ElinkThings products and services. We will use all reasonable efforts to safeguard your personal information.
All your personal information is stored on secure servers that are protected in controlled facilities. We nameify your data based on importance and sensitivity, and ensure that your personal information has the highest security level. We make sure that our employees and Third Party Service Providers who access the information to help provide you with our products and services are subject to strict contractual confidentiality obligations and may be disciplined or terminated if they fail to meet such obligations. We have special access controls for cloud based data storage as well. All in all, we regularly review our information collection, storage and processing practices, including physical security measures, to guard against any unauthorised access and use.
We will take all practicable steps to safeguard your personal information. However, you should be aware that the use of the Internet is not entirely secure, and for this reason we cannot guarantee the security or integrity of any personal information which is transferred from you or to you via the Internet.
You can play your part in safeguarding your personal information by not disclosing your login password or account information to anybody unless such person is duly authorised by you.
ElinkThings cannot be held responsible for lapses in security caused by third party accesses to your personal information as a result of your failure to keep your personal information private. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you must notify us immediately if there is any unauthorised use of your account by any other Internet user or any other breach of security.
Your assistance will help us protect the privacy of your personal information.
Personal information will be held for as long as it is necessary to fulfil the purpose for which it was collected, or as required or permitted by applicable laws. We shall cease to retain personal information, or remove the means by which the personal information can be associated with particular individuals, as soon as it is reasonable to assume that the purpose for which that personal information was collected is no longer being served by retention of the personal information, including the cases when the personal information is no longer required for resolving legal disputes, applying our Agreements, or achieving our business goals.
For clarity, personal body information and Information about you are totally in your control , you can choose when to delete it at your discretion,and we will cease to retain such information. If you have any comments, please send us an email: app@elinkthings.com.
Our applications may need access to certain features on your device such as enabling emails to contacts, SMS storage and Wi-Fi network status, as well as other features. This information is used to allow the applications to run on your device and allow you to interact with the applications. At any time you may revoke your permissions by turning these off at the device level or contacting us at app@elinkthings.com.
ElinkThings recognises that privacy concerns differ from person to person. Therefore, we provide examples of ways ElinkThings makes available for you to choose to restrict the collection, use, disclosure or processing of your personal information and control your privacy settings:
Switch on/off user data upload to cloud.
Log in and out of the Account.
You may obtain more details in relation to your device’s security status in the UI Security Centre as well.
If you have previously agreed to us using your personal information for the abovementioned purposes, you may change your mind at any time by writing or emailing us at app@elinkthings.com.
You have the right to request access to and/or correction of any other personal information that we hold about you. When you update your personal information, you will be asked to verify your identity before we proceed with your request. Once we obtain sufficient information to accommodate your request for access to or correction of your personal information, we shall proceed to respond to your request within any timeframe set out under your applicable data protection laws.
We normally provide such services for free but reserve the right to charge a reasonable fee for your data access request.
If you would like to request access to your personal data held by us or if you believe any information we are holding on you is incorrect or incomplete or if you believe any information we are holding on you is inappropriate or excessive, please write to or email us as soon as possible at the email address below. Email: iot@ ElinkThings-tek.com.
You may withdraw your consent for the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal information in our possession or control by submitting a request. This may be done by accessing your Account management centre at account. ElinkThings.com/pass/del
.We will process your request within a reasonable time from when the request was made, and thereafter not collect, use and/or disclose your personal information as per your request.
Please recognise that your withdrawal of consent could result in certain legal consequences. Depending on the extent of your withdrawal of consent for us to process your personal information, it may mean that you will not be able to enjoy ElinkThings’s products and services.
To the extent that we may need to transfer personal information outside of your jurisdiction, whether to our affiliated companies (which are in the communications, social media, technology and cloud businesses) or Third Party Service Providers, we shall do so in accordance with the applicable laws. In particular, we will ensure that all transfers will be in accordance with requirements under your applicable local data protection laws by putting in place appropriate safeguards.
We consider it the responsibility of parents to monitor their children’s use of our products and services. Nevertheless, it is our policy not to require personal information from minors or offer to send any promotional materials to persons in that category.
ElinkThings does not seek or intend to seek to receive any personal information from minors. Should a parent or guardian have reasons to believe that a minor has provided ElinkThings with personal information without their prior consent, please contact us to ensure that the personal information is removed and the minor unsubscribes from any of the applicable ElinkThings services.
If you have agreed to our applicable User Agreements, in the event of inconsistency between such User Agreements and this Privacy Policy, such User Agreements shall prevail.
We keep our Privacy Policy under regular review and may update this privacy policy to reflect changes to our information practices. If we make material changes to our Privacy Policy, we will notify you by email (sent to the e-mail address specified in your account) or post the changes on all the ElinkThings websites or through our software, so that you may be aware of the information we collect and how we use it. Such changes to our Privacy Policy shall apply from the effective date as set out in the notice or on the website. We encourage you to periodically review this page for the latest information on our privacy practices. Your continued use of products and services on the websites, mobile phones and/or any other device will be taken as acceptance of the updated Privacy Policy. We will seek your fresh consent before we collect more personal information from you or when we wish to use or disclose your personal information for new purposes.
Our Privacy Policy does not apply to products and services offered by a third party. ElinkThings products and services may include third parties’ products, services and links to third parties’ websites. When you use such products or services, they may collect your information too. For this reason, we strongly suggest that you read the third party’s privacy policy as you have taken time to read ours. We are not responsible for and cannot control how third parties use personal information which they collect from you. Our Privacy Policy does not apply to other sites linked from our services.
Our websites include social media features, such as the Facebook Like button and Widgets, such as the Share this button or interactive mini-programs that run on our site. These features may collect your IP address, which page you are visiting on our site, and may set a cookie to enable the Feature to function properly. Social media features and Widgets are either hosted by a third party or hosted directly on our websites. Your interactions with these Features are governed by the privacy policy of the company providing it.
Depending on your jurisdiction, you may be able to log in to our website using sign-on services such as Facebook Connect or an Open ID provider. These services will authenticate your identity, provide you the option to share certain personal information (such as your name and email address) with us, and to pre-populate our sign up form. Services like Facebook Connect give you the option to post information about your activities on this website to your profile page to share with others within your network.
If you have any comments or questions about this Privacy Policy or any questions relating to ElinkThings’s collection, use or disclosure of your personal information, please contact our Data Protection Officer at the E-mail below referencing "Privacy Policy":